“Called or not called, the god will be there.”
-C.G. Jung
Who Am I?
Hi! Nice to meet you. I offer Spiritual Direction for anyone searching for their way in the world and their tradition. I'm a former Christian pastor in an evangelical denomination. If you are feeling the tension between your soul’s desires and your life’s current circumstances or if your current spiritual framework no longer works for you and you are looking for a knowledgable, experienced companion to walk through the process of finding what's next, I'd love to speak with you! I draw upon experience in several modalities including but not limited to the Enneagram, Tarot, Jungian Psychology, Christian Mysticism, and Contemplative practice to guide you to a greater understanding of yourself and the divine. I look forward to companioning spiritual seekers of all races, genders, sexual orientations and faith backgrounds(or lack thereof!). I am fully affirming! I would be honored to come alongside you on your spiritual journey.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction is the time-honored tradition of seeking the guidance and compassionate presence of another who can bear witness to your spiritual journey. This person should be able to relate to your life circumstances and help you to seek out ways in which you can grow in a deeper understanding of your true nature and the nature of God, Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit, Ground of all Being, or whatever you choose to call the transcendent, unifying mystery.
What is the difference between Spiritual Direction and traditional therapy?
The difference between therapy and Spiritual Direction is that while therapy is highly effective in mitigating symptoms, it fails to address the core issues of identity and spiritual well-being. In order to flourish in our human existence, we must do so in mind, body and spirit. Therapy and Spiritual Direction are great partners in your journey toward wholeness. This quote from Barbara Brown Taylor can apply to therapists. There is a time when getting out of the situation you are in is the only necessary need, however, often, the situation you find yourself in is an invitation to something more.
“Maybe that is the difference between pastoral counselors and spiritual directors. We go to counselors when we want help getting out of the caves. We go to directors when we are ready to be led farther in.” — Barbara Brown Taylor “Learning to Walk in the Dark”